General Terms and conditions


The author accepts no liability whatsoever for the correctness, accuracy, up-to-dateness, reliability and completeness of the information. Liability claims against the author for material or immaterial damage resulting from access to or use or non-use of the published information, misuse of the connection or technical faults are excluded. All offers are non-binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without prior notice or to cease publication temporarily or permanently.

Liability for links

References and links to third-party websites are outside our area of responsibility. Any responsibility for such websites is rejected. Access to and use of such websites is at the user's own risk.


The copyright and all other rights to content, images, photos or other files on the website belong exclusively to Hotel Bienenberg, Liestal or the specifically named rights holders. The written consent of the copyright holders must be obtained in advance for the reproduction of any elements.

Privacy policy

Privacy and private data are protected. The processing of personal data of guests, customers, suppliers, partners and other users is limited to the data required for the optimal provision of services. Personal data is collected, processed and used in accordance with the content of this privacy policy and the applicable data protection regulations, in particular the Swiss Data Protection Act (DPA). This privacy policy regulates which personal data is collected, processed and used. 

Description and scope of data processing

Personal data For the purposes of these data protection provisions, "data subject" means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter "data subject"). This includes, in particular, name, e-mail address, address, telephone number, credit card and account details and VAT details. Personal data also includes information about the use of the website. In this context, personal data may be collected as follows: Information about visits to the website, such as the scope of data transfer, the location from which the data is retrieved and other connection data and sources that are retrieved. This is usually done through the use of log files and cookies. In principle, personal data is destroyed or anonymized as soon as it is no longer required for the purpose of processing.


We guarantee your reservation from the time of your definitive booking.
The exact number of participants or any changes thereto must be communicated in writing no later than 48 hours before the start of the event. Otherwise the ordered number will be invoiced. If the number of participants exceeds the number ordered, the actual number of participants will be charged.


Option dates are binding for both parties. The hotel may dispose of the opted rooms/spaces or services after the unused expiry of the option period without further notice.
The confirmation must be received by the Hotel Bienenberg by the last day of the option period at the latest.


Hotel room and room allocations are provisional. We reserve the right to change these at any time.
If, despite a confirmed reservation, no rooms are available in the hotel, the hotel must inform the guest in good time and offer an equivalent replacement in a geographically nearby hotel of a comparable or higher category.
Any additional expenses for the replacement accommodation shall be borne by the hotel. If the guest refuses the replacement room, the hotel must immediately refund any payments already made by the guest (e.g. deposits). The guest shall have no further claims.

Useful life

Subject to other agreements, the guest has the right to use the rented hotel rooms from 3 p.m. on the agreed day of arrival until 10 a.m. on the day of departure.
If the guest is 2 hours or more late in vacating the room, the hotel may charge 50 % of the full accommodation price for use in excess of the contractual period.
If the guest leaves the room late, the hotel reserves the right to remove the guest's belongings from the room and store them in a suitable place in the hotel for a fee.

Prices / Payment obligation

The prices communicated by the hotel are in Swiss francs (CHF) and include statutory VAT and other charges.
The guest is obliged to pay the agreed or applicable prices of the hotel for the room rental and the other services used by him. This also applies to orders placed by his companions and visitors.
Any increase in statutory charges after conclusion of the contract shall be borne by the guest. Prices quoted in foreign currencies are approximate and will be charged at the respective daily exchange rate. The prices confirmed by the hotel are valid.
The prices may be changed by the hotel if the guest subsequently requests changes to the number of rooms booked, the hotel's services or the length of the guest's stay.
Depending on the agreement, the hotel may require a deposit of 50 % of the total booking amount. The deposit is to be understood as a partial payment of the agreed fee. If the deposit is not paid on time, the hotel may withdraw from the contract (including all service promises) immediately (without reminder) and demand the cancellation costs listed.
The hotel has the right to invoice or interim invoice its services to the guest at any time.
The final invoice shall include the agreed price plus any additional amounts incurred as a result of additional services provided by the hotel for the guest and/or the persons accompanying the guest. Unless otherwise agreed, the final invoice must be paid in Swiss francs in cash or by accepted credit card at the latest at check-out on the day of departure.
The defense of set-off against claims of the hotel is excluded.

Cancellation by the hotel

The hotel is entitled to withdraw from the contract at any time for objectively justified reasons by means of an immediate, unilateral and written declaration with immediate effect:
Objectively justified reasons include, for example

    • an agreed advance payment or security deposit is not made within the period set by the hotel;
    • force majeure or other circumstances for which the hotel is not responsible and which make the fulfillment of the contract objectively impossible;
    • Rooms or rooms that are booked or used with misleading or false information, e.g. regarding the person of the guest or the purpose of use or stay;
    • the hotel has reasonable grounds to believe that the use of the agreed services may impair the smooth running of the business, the safety of other hotel guests or the reputation of the hotel;
    • the guest has become insolvent (bankruptcy or unsuccessful seizure) or has stopped making payments;
    • the purpose or reason for the visit is unlawful or the nature of the event is against our ethical guidelines.

If the hotel cancels the contract for the aforementioned reasons, the guest shall not be entitled to compensation and the compensation for the booked services shall remain due.


If the customer and the organizer are not identical, both shall be jointly and severally liable to the hotel as joint and several debtors.
If the participants of the event require additional services, the organizer shall be liable for these.
The organizer is liable for items brought along (exhibits, technical equipment, decoration material, etc.), as well as for missing or damaged items.
The guest is liable to the hotel for all damage and losses caused by him, his companions or assistants or event participants

Early departure

If the guest departs early, the hotel is entitled to charge 100 % for the entire services booked.
In the event of early departure, the hotel shall endeavor to reassign the unused services to another party. If the hotel is able to provide the unused services to third parties during the agreed period, the guest's invoice amount shall be reduced by the amount paid by these third parties for the canceled service.

Cancellation costs event

If a definitively confirmed event is canceled, the following table is used to calculate the cancellation costs:

60 - 31 days before the event 20 % of the arrangement
30 - 8 days before the event 50 % of the arrangement
7 - 2 days before the event 80 % of the arrangement
48 hours before the event 100 % of the arrangement

The arrangement is understood to be the confirmed service multiplied by the registered number of participants. If no quantifiable services have been confirmed (e.g. because the menu has not yet been selected), the arrangement is CHF 80.00 per day and per person.

Room return for group reservations

2 months before the event: the complete room contingent
60 - 31 days before the event 50 % of the room contingent
30 - 8 days before the event 20 % of the room contingent
7 - 2 days before the event 5 % of the room contingent
No rooms can be canceled later than two days before the event. No-shows will be charged with 1 night at 100 %.
A group reservation is valid for 10 rooms or more.
If the group is smaller than originally registered, the hotel reserves the right to adjust the prices.
Cancellations and partial cancellations of group reservations are subject to the cancellation fees listed.

Invoicing and payment

According to actual consumption, but at least billing of the reported number of guests (see above).
The following means of payment are accepted: Cash, EC-Direct, Postcard, credit cards
By arrangement on account, payable within 10 days net
Organization of the eventAll details of the event will be agreed at least 10 days before the event:

  • Setting up the rooms and technology
  • Snacks/break coffee
  • Meals
  • Hotel room
  • Choice of menu for festive occasions


The installation of decorative material or other objects is only permitted with the consent of the hotel.
Any decoration material brought into the hotel must comply with fire regulations. The hotel is entitled to demand official proof of this.
Any exhibits or other items, including personal items, brought into the event rooms or the hotel premises are at the risk of the guest. The hotel assumes no obligation to guard or store such items. The hotel accepts no liability for the loss, destruction or damage of items brought into the hotel, except in cases of gross negligence or intent on the part of the hotel. The guest is responsible for insuring any items brought into the hotel.
Packaging material (cardboard, boxes, plastic, etc.) that is generated in connection with the delivery of the event by the guest or third parties must be disposed of by the guest. If the guest leaves packaging material behind in the hotel, the hotel is entitled to dispose of it at the guest's expense.
Any exhibits or other items brought in must be removed immediately after the end of the event and collected within 24 hours of the end of the event. The hotel may have items left behind removed and/or stored at the guest's expense. If the removal involves disproportionate effort, the hotel may leave the items in the event room and charge the guest the usual room rental fee for the duration of their retention.

Bringing food and drinks

Food and drinks may only be brought in after consultation with the hotel.
For non-alcoholic beverages we charge a Tap fee of CHF 10.00/liter. Wine and other alcoholic beverages are sold with a Tap fee of CHF 30.00/bottle (0.75 l) offset.
We charge at least CHF 20.00 per person for food brought in without prior arrangement.

Night surcharge

Events that last longer than midnight require a permit. From 24.00 hours we charge a Night surcharge of CHF 150.00 per hour or part thereof.
PermitsThe guest must obtain any official permits required for the event at their own expense. The guest is responsible for complying with the permits and all other public law regulations in connection with the event. Fines for violations of the permits must be paid by the guest.

Place of jurisdiction

The place of jurisdiction for all contracting parties is Liestal.

Contact us

Hotel Bienenberg
Bienenberg 84 | CH - 4410 Liestal
+41 61 906 78 00

Hotel association

Member of the Association of Christian Hotels and GastroSuisse.